Wednesday 11 December 2013

A Turtle's Tale

Inch by inch she crawls out of the sea
It's so dark she can barely see
But this is where she's meant to be
She has come home

On this beach she was born many years ago
Wriggling out of an egg buried deep below 
It was imprinted on her mind, she knows
she has come home 

The little hatchling was watched over by the gods
For she has survived all the odds
Out of a thousand, she got the nod
She has come home

Now she does what others have done
Painstakingly digs a hole under the moon 
Lays her hundred eggs one by one, this is why
she has come home

Year after year she will return
To continue what nature's begun
It's not something she needs to learn
She will again come home

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

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