Friday, 30 August 2013

All I want

Don't want to look at the dishes in the sink
Don't want to cook that chicken all raw and pink
Don't want to mop or vacuum the floor
Don't want to do the laundry or any more chores

Don't want to go to work every single day
Don't want to be stuck at my desk just for the pay
Don't want to battle the crowds to get on the train
Don't want this drudgery that addles the brain

Don't want to tussle with a surly teen
Don't want to put up with her being mean
Don't want to always prop up my better half
Don't want a morose partner who cannot laugh

Don't want to listen to others' tales of woe
Don't want them to tell me what I'd rather not know
Don't want to see the bills always pouring in
Don't want to deal with life, is that such a sin

What I want is solitude, to do what I love best
I'll be happy enough to roost in an empty nest
Just leave me alone with words to warm my soul
All I want to do is write, it's what makes me whole

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Tears in my soul
Welling up 
like an ocean
At high tide
Engulfing my heart
In an avalanche
Of emotions
Submerging me
In a deluge 
Of feelings
Flooding my mind
Drowning all sense
But the dam
Of reason
Holds back 
the torrent
Till it bursts
in an
Of grief
I let myself
Be swept away
By a raging
River in spate
Which spends itself
In a surge of rapids
Until I float
On the calm
Waters of peace

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Monday, 26 August 2013

The Other Me

I have in me
another me
who talks to me

Her ceaseless patter
drives me mad
She won't even
let me be sad

'You're an idiot'
'Are you nuts'
'You never learn'
'you're all ifs and buts'

Pointing out my flaws
Is what she does best
She goes on and on
never needs a rest

I try not to listen
I close my ears
But she makes me face
all my worst fears

She's cruel
but she's kind
she has my welfare
on her mind

She says bitter things
that hurt me so
Though I don't want to hear
It's what I ought to know

She has the guts
to say what no one will
Her words are like
a bitter pill

She knows me best
How could she not?
She is the other me
And she's all I've got

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Travelling light

The big red suitcase
Lying open on the bed
Isn’t that the one 
We’ve taken 
on countless holidays
Packed it with
Love and laughter
Crammed it 
full of memories
Spilling out joyously
Wheeled it through 
Innumerable years
Of togetherness
Thrown it thoughtlessy
Infinite times
On the conveyer belt
Of life
Nicked and scratched
Dented and taped
And yet trundling
Through on rusty wheels
Now it is
full of clothes
Piled askew
Are we finally 
Going somewhere again
A surprise trip
Down a well-traversed road
To revisit happier times
But all I see
are shirts and trousers,
Coats and ties
Dress shoes, black socks
Not the usual
Shorts and tees
slippers and sunscreen
And there’s no space
For my things
Do you not mean
To take me along
I get my answer when
You shut it with
A resounding click
That rings in my ears
And wheel it out
Leaving me behind
like lost luggage
you don't want to find
Or excess baggage
you want to shed

Ilyanna Kreske
Aug 26, 2013
I am selecting this poem for three reasons:
1) beautifully wrought metaphor
2) great storytelling
3) delightful use of language and vocabulary

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 24 August 2013

In this time

In this time
time stops
so you and I
can find
in a moment
ecstasy in
an embrace

In this time
hours fly
when I am
with you
lost in our world
to the passing
of time

In this time
I count the minutes
We share
Not wanting
it to end
Trying to stretch
the time
to last forever

In this time
seconds tick by
telling me
that our time
will soon be
at an end
You will be gone
And I will relive
the time we spent

*Written to fit this brief: As I continue to seek to help us explore being mindful of the moment, I went back to using starting a poem with a specific phrase that, on the surface, may appear to be super easy but can be deceptively challenging.

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write a poem that starts with the phrase "In this time..." Your poem can be about any topic, but must start with the exact phrase (not a paraphrase, or a play on the phrase).

Not starting your poem with that phrase will make your poem ineligible for competition.

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Friday, 23 August 2013


A long hard day
Spent on my feet
Thought I’d get myself
A well-deserved treat
Piled my plate high
Queued up to pay
No money in my wallet
What was I to say
I’m sorry, I said
I can’t take the food
My empty stomach rumbled
As I suppose it should
The girl at the counter
Smiled and made my day
When she said, eat it 
And pay me another day
I sat at the table
A tear in my eye
Such a kind act
So hard to come by

*Written to fit this brief: Ok, your assignment this week, should you choose to accept it, is to write a poem about personal kindness of the main character of your poem (could be you, could be fictional) personally performs or sees performed. The character can be the initiator or the recipient or see it happening in front of them. It must be personal and it must happening in the poem.

Please, no poems about how great it is to be kind, that's a given. This Prompt is for writing a poem about personal kindness that is actually going on within the poem by the main character of your poem (you?) or someone around him/her.

Not meeting those two conditions will make your poem ineligible for competition.

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Silver pinpricks
On the black silk
Of the sky
Starring a
Milky white moon
Slashing pearly light
Into the room
Casting an ethereal glow
on her, flitting
across the floor
In a gossamer gown
Gazing at her pale face
In the mirror
With a stranger's eyes
A peaceful countenance
hiding the turmoil within
Scarlet-tipped fingers
smear ruby red
on her lips
Pinch colour
Into her cheeks
Her azure glance
Pierces the door
That she knows
Nobody will knock on
Impatiently seeking
Her company
The splash of water
From the overflowing tub
Pattering on the
Tiled floor
Draws her gracefully
Into the depths
Rippling, her
Hair spreads
out darkly as
Bubbles pop
The surface
And then all is still

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

A Hard Life

Born into a family that didn’t care
Made to do more than her fair share

Overlooked because she was a girl
Watched her sad life unfurl

Worked to bring home the bread
Treated with contempt instead

It became harder each day to cope
And yet she did not lose hope

She just wanted her own home
And waited for that day to come

She married a man with two kids
She thought, of this house, I’ll be rid

Things though became more dire
She was little more than a maid for hire

Less a home, more a hell
Not a soul could she tell

Beaten, abused, when she did no wrong
But all through it her faith stayed strong

Then her tormenter died
Finally there was no need to hide

Brought up the kids as best she could
They never lacked for love or food

Then they grew up and were gone
And so her duty was done

All these years they never looked back
It’s their company she lacks

Her bones are tired, her spirit is spent
And she knows she's nearing her end

As her weary eyes look for respite
So begins her long day’s journey into night

*Written to fit this brief: I've always been a sucker for a good title. For me, the title sets the tone of the poem/book/movie and a good one will at least make me pause to dig deeper. That's why I endeavor to find the best title I can for my own poems as well. The first thing a prospective reader sees before anything else is the title. With that in mind, I choose as the title for this week's Prompt:
"Long Day's Journey Into Night"

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write a poem that MUST use this famous title as a phrase somewhere in your poem but CAN NOT be the title of your own poem.

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


I was just three
A motherless little girl
when you came into my life
The first time you saw me
you opened your arms
I went straight into them
as though I knew
it was where I belonged 
That was just the start
of a lifetime of loving
you lavished on me 
It was not you
who brought me 
into this world 
yet you loved me 
as though you had 
Your selfless act 
of unending kindness 
changed my life
for the better 
I'm grateful for 
for all you gave me
and I'm proud
to call you my mother

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Sunday, 18 August 2013


A flutter of wings
The bird swoops
lands on my balcony
one foot lifted
beak open wide
Unblinking eyes
stare at me
I freeze
not moving
a muscle
lest it flies scared
from my home
It takes a step
then another
seeking crumbs
to comfort its hunger
Bare as bones
the stone floor
is coldly unyielding
It pins me
with a fierce gaze
that notes my failure
Chastised I blink
and in a flurry
it flies
to a kinder space

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Thursday, 15 August 2013


Your smile
rips my heart,
A dagger slicing
through tender flesh

Your kind voice
sears my mind,
Scalding drops
Leaving deep scars

Your gentle touch
sets me on fire
marking me
with blisters

Your words
Choke the hope
out of my soul,
they are not
the ones
I want to hear

Your face
is etched
in indelible ink
of my tears
on the canvas
of my mind

My breath sticks
in my throat
Every heartbeat
is an ache
as I struggle
to imagine a life
without you

Perhaps it is pain I love
and suffering
For why else
would I inflict
Upon myself
the agony
of your company

I smile
I laugh
I talk
I pretend you mean
nothing to me
though you are
I ever wanted,
can never have

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


In the radiance of the sun
As it rises to light up another day
In the sparkle of the water
As it laps the shore
In the whispering green 
Of the leaves on the trees
In the snow that shines white
On the tops of the mountains yonder

In the twinkle that glitters in
The eye of a naughty child
In the softness of the wizened
Skin of the aged
In the happy laughter 
Of carefree youth
In the wonder reflected
On the face of an infant

In all these things and more
You can see the joy of life
In all these miracles you can find
A reason for rejoicing
If only you stop to look.

Make a pact with yourself 
Take out the time
From rushing helter-skelter
From earning a living
From dealing with joys and sorrows
From bearing the burden of everyday worries
And marvel at how wonderful 
life can be
All you need is
To stop and look
And you will find 
More joy than sorrow
More happiness than grief
More ecstasy than anguish
More reasons for living

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Monday, 12 August 2013

Say something

Isn’t there more
you can say?
Talk to me
I need to know
How you’re feeling
I’m tired of guessing
What’s in your mind
Silence may be golden
But yours doesn’t glitter
With understanding
It shuts me out
An iron door
I can’t break down

For God’s sake
Say something more
Don’t those words
on your tongue
jostle for space
Why won’t you
open your mouth
And let them all out
Of captivity

You’re quite the
Master of the monosyllable
Times may be tough
But there’s no need to
Skimp on speech
So let's have a chat
Unlock your thoughts
Before they cease
to exist

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 10 August 2013


Would that I could live
A neat ordered life
Like a bookshelf    
In precise sections
I'd put happy memories
Together within reach        
Pull one out
And let it cast                                    
A gentle glow
Over my blue mood
All the bruises
From heartbreak
And hurt
I'd stash at the bottom
Where they'd gather dust
Neglected but still
I'd leave empty spaces
here and there
holes in the fabric
of my life
To remind me
of things left undone
And some vacant shelves
waiting to be filled up
with events yet to come
But life is not
a bookshelf
Its sections blend
into one another
Messy, cluttered, confused
But not sterile
Vibrant, colourful, alive
with promise
For what are we
but parts
put together
like a puzzle
section by section
till we merge
into a whole

*Written to fit this brief: Last week, we looked at titles and how important they are. Today, we will be looking at a single word and what it conjures in your poetic mind.
That word is section.

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write a poem that explores your thoughts on that one particular word.

The title of your poem MUST be titled "Section" (but you are free to have sub title underneath).  Yes, this is a one word prompt for this week.

Not meeting those two conditions will make your poem ineligible for competition.

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Friday, 9 August 2013


I wait in the corner
for you to
enter the room
A shrinking violet
in a sea of roses
Restless fingers
comb absent tangles
from unruly hair
brush my dress
for any unseen crumbs
still clinging
like a jealous lover
My eyes dart 
like a hovering
flitting here and there
But there’s no sign of you
A waiter passes by
stops to see 
if I need a drink
I take a glass from
his laden tray
then another
I gulp it down
in one breath
not like the other women
who sip and nod
delicate as the
pearls around my neck
choking what little pleasure
there was in the evening
because you’re not here
My watch ticks on
I’m surprised to see
only an hour has gone by
It seems as though
I’ve been waiting for an eternity
The corner’s tired of me
Wanting some variety
I get to my feet to find
another quiet spot
One step then I freeze
my heart thumps louder
in tune to the music
rising to a crescendo
I sense you in the room
your fragrance fills the air
Time stops as I wait 
for you to come to me
I murmur the words
I will say to you
Drawing curious glances
But you’re drawn away
from me by the roses
blooming as you cast
your precious gaze on them
You stop, you laugh
you share a word and a smile
you nod and touch
Them with a gentle hand
Another lifetime passes by
before you look my way
I still stand in the corner
unmoving, unblinking
A smile grazes my face
and fades when I notice
you’re not looking at me at all
For all you see
is a shrinking violet 
wilted into nothingness

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Thursday, 8 August 2013


There are times when I wonder
what it is about this life
that makes me go on living

It’s not with joy that I greet each new day
It’s not with hope that I watch the sun rise
I feel as though I’ve lost my way

The dreams that once lit up my eyes
do not excite me anymore
There’s no fun in the challenges 
that pushed me and made my spirits soar

Though it seems I’ve achieved
some of what I set out to do
travelled part of the way
on my destined path
why do I still feel restless?

Why does it feel that something
still eludes my grasp
Like quicksilver it slips from my hand
Like a mirage it disappears
just as I feel it is within reach

No matter what I do
all that remains
is an emptiness within
that refuses to be filled
No matter how much I hurry
or how fast I go
I feel I don’t really know
how to find happiness anymore

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


I have loved, and I have cried
I have wept, and I have sighed
I've wondered about life passing me by

All the things I haven't begun
All the things I've left undone
I've wondered 
how it would've been 
had I tried
to put a meal in the mouths of the hungry
and clothes on the back of the cold
Do my bit for infants abandoned
and spared some moments for the old

Then would I have had the time
to mourn about what I couldn't get?
Would I have cried and sighed
and moaned and wept
about how life had passed me by?

I would have used the time
for things that really mattered
And I wouldn't have frittered 
a lifetime away
I would have looked back 
with a heart content
At least I could have said I tried

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


When you're feeling low
When the skies seem dark
and the clouds gather overhead
to douse your hopes
Remember there's always
a silver lining

When you're feeling blue
When there's a load
on your heart
It's tough to get through the day
and you want to give it all up
Remember, it won't always
be this way

When life seems a burden
When you don't have the strength
to carry it on your shoulders
When you feel like 
leaving it all behind
Remember, there will be a helping hand
if you need it

Ups and downs
Highs and lows
are all part of life
There's fun and there's joy
and a little bit of strife
Just don't stop dreaming
and don't stop hoping
Better times are round the corner
when the sun will shine
the skies will be blue
and life will again be bright and new

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Monday, 5 August 2013


There was a time
When time stood still
It was when you
Looked into my eyes
And said you loved me so
How was I to know
It wouldn’t last
Now it’s all in the past

There was a day 
When all my dreams came true
It was when you held my hand
And said, Will you marry me?
My heart danced with glee
How was I to know
The flowers which bloomed that day
Were destined to wither away

There were those years
when we made the most of each day
Lived it to the fullest
As if there was no tomorrow
How was I to know
That we used up all our todays
And now we can only look back on yesterday

And now’s the time
When I look at you
And wonder where 
Is all that joy and fun
Where all those years have gone
How was I to know
However wise we may be, or clever
In the end, nothing lasts forever

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Mother Daughter dialogue

Mom, I need 100 bucks today

But I gave you some just yesterday

I spent it all, I don’t know how

Well, I can’t give you any more just now

Mom, you always say you don’t have any

I’ve told you before it’s hard to earn money

What’s my teacher going to say?

You’ll just have to wait till pay day

Mom, my teacher will be very annoyed

Maybe you can try hard to cry

Should I just ask for some from dad

You never talk to him, he’s going to be mad

Mom, I’ve got to go, I’m getting late

I’ll give it to you at a later date

I don’t think my teacher’s going to wait

Can you ask him for a rebate?

Mom, I also need a new iPad

What’s the matter with the one you had?

It’s become very old and slow

You think it's a bit like me, I know

God, Mom, you’re impossible

I know you think I’m horrible

Well, you said that, not me

Bye, and I love you too, honey

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Love's Demise

What shall I do
with this love of mine
unnoticed by you
it overruns
my wild heart
Like a weed
left to grow unheeded

The creeping tendrils
Of my passion
Twine their green fingers
Around my mind
Choking all sense
Fantasies bloom
in the fertile soil
Of my imagination      
Where happy endings
Between you and me

A wave of longing
Ripples through my body
That sways
like a verdant field of flowers
In the summer breeze

In your arms
I want to soar
Like the towering trees                      
And lie replete
in the soothing
Shadow you cast on me

But the burning sun
Of reality
Scorches my dreams
I writhe in their
Parched remains
As my love leeches
Into the cracked earth
That withers like my hopes

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Friday, 2 August 2013


Do I stay or do I go?
This is the question
that nags me so
Out there is a world
waiting to be conquered
And I know
I'm capable of doing so

I find so much joy
in a job well done
And I do enjoy
my moments in the sun

But as I step out the door
And you tug at my hand
And look at me
with those tear-filled eyes
My step falters
And my new-found joy dies

I'm trapped by the longing
to be there for you
My heart says, stay
But my mind
urges me to go

How can I explain to you, little one
Though I have to leave you each day
You are always in my thoughts
and I'm just a phone call away

You may not understand now
because you are so young
but I hope that as you start to grow
Deep in your heart, you will know

Though you are dear to me
and always will be
There are new things for me to do
And new worlds to see

As you grow, 
watching me juggle
these two worlds
you will understand
that it can be fun
and you will learn
that it can be done

There's no need to choose
between one and the other
You can do both
and still be a wonderful mother

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved

Thursday, 1 August 2013

The End

You lie next to me, yet a world away
We grow apart each passing day
So many times I've wanted to say
We've reached the end

The words take shape in my head
What passion there was is now dead
Why can't I say what needs to be said
We've reached the end

Still I hold back in unknown fear
I let pain slide down in a tear
I can no longer bear to have you near
We've reached the end

The flames once strong have now died
The gap between us growing ever wide
We walked side by side, now I see
We've reached the end

There was love now there is none
We've had our moments in the sun
It was fun, now I want to run
We've reached the end

The wound so deep it doesn't heal
Hurt stamped with a burning seal
Trust is dead, and I strongly feel
We've reached the end.

I don't love you any more
I just want to walk out the door
My eyes are dry, my heart is sore
We've reached the end

Don't hold me back, let me go
Don't hold me close, don't say no
I do believe, though you may not know
We've reached the end

© 2013 Uma Venkatraman ~ All Rights Reserved